Jake and Amanda sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage. Jake and I have decided to create this blog to share our journey with family and friends. We will also be able to archive these blog entries as keep sakes for the future. This is our first try at parenthood and gladly accept any and all advice. We hope through this blog you will be able to laugh along the way, as we share our pregnancy, and first few years of Baby Schachle’s life. We are so excited and can't wait until August to meet our sweet baby girl!

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Welcome to our blog!

We have a lot to talk about and want to make sure our family and friends don’t miss a minute.  The first few blog entries have been stored away for this very exciting day!
Jake and I have been keeping one BIG secret…
Drum roll please…  We are expecting a baby August 31st, 2012!!!
Yep, this is going to be one fun filled summer!
It all started just a few short months ago…  In October we began talking pretty serious about starting a family, so I took a few trips to see the OB.  Everything seemed to fall right into place and before we knew it we were using our ovulation kit.  Then… well, we all know the story of the birds and the bees.
The next few weeks crept by. The OB doctor ordered some blood work around the time I ovulated and called me with some exciting news. She told me my progesterone levels were very high, which indicated an excellent ovulatory cycle. The doctor told us we could take a pregnancy test on day 28. 
Tick Tock… Tick Tock…  Monday, December 19th was Day 26 and I could not wait any longer. I knew it was a little early but we wanted to take the chance.  I went to the bathroom and followed all the instructions one by one. I called for Jake and we both stared at the pregnancy test sitting on the counter.  My heart was beating 90 miles a minute… slowly but surely one line turned pink and then, OH MY GOODNESS, two pink lines meant we were pregnant!!!  We were in such disbelief.  The same sentence that came out of mouth the day Jake proposed followed suit as we were standing in the bathroom looking at each other… “Are you Serious??” “Are you Serious??”  Jake also could not believe his eyes as he asked, “Should I pee on one of those sticks?”  To say the least we were ecstatic and you couldn’t wipe the grin’s off our face that night


  1. I am in LOVE with your blog!! :) So glad y'all are doing this...it's sooo exciting!! Can't wait to read all the new posts and keep up with what's going on with Baby Schachle! Love you guys so much and all 3 of y'all are in are daily prayers for a smooth, healthy and happy pregnancy!! :)

  2. meant to type "our daily prayers"...not "are daily prayers"! haha :) You get the point!! Love ya! :)
